

希望透過輕鬆及持久的方法去保持標準體重的人士; 儘早養成健康生活習慣, 防患於未然。
我們提供營養諮詢予不同年齡的對象, 例如兒童、處於懷孕期、哺乳期的婦女或長者等;
替需要增重或減重的人士, 或患有血糖不耐症、高血壓、高膽固醇、痛風症的人士提供適當的飲食及運動建議。


營養師根據個別人士的健康及營養狀況, 提供合乎所需的飲食建議。
運動教練亦會針對個人條件及生活習慣, 提供適當而實用的運動建議。
首次諮詢時間約為45分鐘, 我們會為您進行體格及健康評估, 評估項目包括:
掌握數據之後, 您將獲安排營養師及運動教練,
根據您的目標與需要, 設計合適的餐膳及提供運動建議, 全面配合您的體重管理計劃。





Sharing I have been living overseas for over 20 years; and due to the living style and cultural difference, I got “comfortable”.  I looked into the mirror and learned to accept who I’ve become. I was 5″3 and weighed 160 pounds. My hospitality career required me to work late and with working late it became  normal to eat late and enjoy after hours drinks with friends and co-workers after a long day.

Up until 2 years ago, I found myself feeling very tired after each meal, tired to the point where I couldn’t concentrate on work. Soon after, I started feeling pain around my knee area and then my lower back . I then decided to make an appointment with my family doctor to find help and he said “although you don’t look it you are very over weight and especially for the built of your body.”
I did a lot of  research on my own to try to lose weight. I tried many different diets, such as the south beach diet, protein diets, meal substitutions and many others. None showed any results.  It wasn’t until  I went back to Hong Kong for a holiday and went to Hilda about my weight problem that she suggested to me a weight loss plan. She explained that even though  I am not in Hong Kong , we can either  e-mail or online chat once a week  to follow up with my progress.
Starting  from October 2010 to March 2011 , I successfully lost 35 pounds. I went from 160 to 125; from a US size 8 to a size 2.  I feel great, both mentally and physically! It was not only a diet program, it was a lifestyle change. I slept and rested a lot better at night; my body doesn’t feel ache any more. I have more energy for daily routines plus i added much more additional activities to my life. I’m  much happier and feeling more confident with myself!
Not only that the result is great and positive; the weight loss journey is pretty reasonable — no struggling and no suffering. Hilda made meal plans which will fit into my daily routines and my headache schedule. All I needed to do is to follow it and add on some kind of exercise daily. Instead of spending money for happy hour after work, I joined a gym  and spent the money on the membership …and instead of consuming alcohol .. I’m exercising!  I am still able to eat everything I love, including chocolate , ice-cream and so many more delicious foods. I was so impressed!
After 3 years, I am still maintaining the weight. I weigh 125 pounds , feeling fabulous and living youthfully.  Thank you so much Hilda for helping me! You taught me how to be able to enjoy my favorite meals without sacrificing my taste and cravings. You completely turned  me around and gave me a better more positive outlook on myself and life. Thank you !!! — Doris

Sharing0004Dear Hilda,

謝謝妳悉心為我設計餐單, 使我重獲健康的身體, 更多謝妳教導我營養知識, 使我們一家受惠。
現送上一份小禮物, 希望妳喜歡, 最後衷心對妳說一聲Thank you!
祝妳身體健康, 永遠幸福快樂!

Anita & Family




Sharing0003Dear Hilda,

好多謝, 好感激您一直的支持和幫助! 每次見您時, 您都以鼓勵的眼神和天使般的笑容迎接我,
令我的心舒服很多, 也更有勇氣的去面對自己的問題, 願終有天我的問題能消除, 多謝您!








Dear Hilda,

十分多謝你教導我正確的飲食配搭, 跟你的飲食建議是我近十年減肥史上最Work and Healthy的,
以前錯誤地節食, 雖然仍在極短時間內減磅, 但回彈亦極快, 仲要辛苦忍肚餓, 但跟著你的指導, 我日日都可以吃得飽, 亦十分精神!
同事們都話我精神比生BB之前好, 我想很大原因都係我改善了自己的飲食習慣, 唔再偏食肉類, 雖然有時我會唔聽話, 無跟隨你的建議, 但你總會好有耐性同心機鼓勵我。
在未來的日子裡,我都會跟從你的建議, 用正確健康的方法及做運動, 我一定會回復生BB之前的身形甚至更加健美, 哈哈!!!
最重要的是自己的飲食習慣會感染身邊的人, 最近媽咪亦改善了她的飲食習慣, 因為覺得我減得好精神, 希望有機會帶她來見見你!

